UI/UX & Web Design

Putting users first in experience & visual design


The new design language created by the digital revolution is something that has interested me since it’s infancy. I was hugely inspired by Steve Krug’s  groundbreaking ‘Don’t Make Me Think’ (2000) usability book while working in New Zealand. I taught myself how to build a website using HTML/CSS to gave me a better understanding of the underlying machinations of a website and this in turn led me to start using and understanding WordPress, a platform I like to use today. The new frontier of app and mobile design is something I am currently focusing on learning as well as continually researching good UX and UI design on the web.


My work in website and UI/UX is very much a part of what I am interested in as a designer and when the opportunity arises I jump at the chance to take on the challenge. From detailed wire-frames for websites to mobile logins to app screens the following is a selection of some of the work I have been part of. 


2013 – Present


Web Design
Creative Direction


I was asked to design detailed UI/UX wireframes to help both the web developer and the client in the build of the OxyGeneration website and decide on the overall look and feel. OxyGeneration is a brand new semi-healthcare product and decisions had to be made as to how to launch the website and what imagery and information the client was going to focus on. The detailing on the early web design was important in particular for the client. The apps icons and splash screen where required for a third party app integration.

OxyGeneration main page design concept
OxyGeneration main page design concept.
OxyGeneration page design concept
OxyGeneration page design concept.
OxyGeneration App Icon and splash screen
OxyGeneration app icon and splash screen UI.

Galway Free WiFi

Galway Free WiFi was an exciting idea to provide advertising supported WiFi to Galway city with an eventual plan for a countrywide roll-out . I was asked to design prototype login screens for the product and investigate the integration of advertising and offers. The HTML email template was a spin-off idea using opt-in data gathered in the signup process for the free WiFi. This version of the product only reached concept only stage but live testing was completed and successful. 

Galway Free WiFi concept screens
Galway Free WiFi UI concept screens.
Galway Free WiFi 'Deal of the Day' HTML email template design
Galway Free WiFi 'Deal of the Day' HTML email template design.

Front Door UI/UX concept

Detailed UI/UX concept to help visualise the layout, content and design of the new Front Door Pub website.

McGuigan Motors page design

Detailed page designs to help visualise the layout, content and design of McGuigan Motors.